Sunday, December 18, 2005


Graduation was pretty cool. I was glad that they let the PhD students have a practice! It's a bit like being knighted - you kneel, receive the hood, shake hands (right hand) and then receive the degree (left hand). I was repeating to myself "kneel, hat, hood, hat, shake, take" but that wouldn't have been enough for some people! A few people forgot to put their hats back on and some forgot to stand up before shaking hands with the chancellor.

Me kneeling and doffing my hat.

My mother & I after the ceremony

My father & I

My Da got me a great graduation present (I saw it just as we were going to return the gown). It's a T-shirt that says "I went to ANU and all I got was an internationally recognised tertiary qualification and this lousy t-shirt"!

Ok, this is my first post with photos and it's taken forever. Is there any way to make the pics appear somewhere other than right at the top? Or is it best just to put in all the photos and then add writing later?


At December 18, 2005 8:16 AM, Blogger Ben and Nic said...

Hi Forgi, I have not yet found a way to paste the pictures anywhere but up near the top. They are pretty easy to move around once they are there though... just standard copy and paste.

I tend to paste a few in one go, and then move them to where i want them as I am typing. I have found, however, that the maximum number of photos you can attach in the one go is 5.

Love the blog and the photos!


At December 20, 2005 4:04 PM, Blogger HobbieChef said...

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At December 20, 2005 4:08 PM, Blogger HobbieChef said...

Hi Forgi,


I've also found if you reduce the size of the original image before uploading, it can make the whole process faster.

What a FUN site...


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