Friday, August 18, 2006

medical potatoes & NY

We're several posts behind, so I thought I get in start...

Mother and I went for a meditation weekend down in Virginia from the 4th - 7th. It was just what I needed! We meditated and walked in the woods (beautiful clean fresh air!!!) and ate zone balanced meals and had some massage. For those who don't know we do a form of high-tech meditation which involves sitting and listening to a sound-track.

There were lots of lovely blue insects (this photo mother actually took somewhere else for me).

Including Giant BEES! (Also in Montreal where this was taken : )

From Virginia, we took the train up to Montreal to meet with lumpy & Da. Our plan was to take train to New York city, arriving in the afternoon, see a bit of the city and then the next day take a train to Montreal...

When we got to the train station at 6 am (an hours drive from where we were staying) we found that they train would be TWO hours late!
The lady behind the counter who was just putting out the sign to tell us this said "you should have called!".
I asked "you mean yesterday?"
"Oh no" she says "yesterday they train wouldn't have left New Orleans yet!"
"So when should we have called?" I asked.
She thought for a moment. "About 1 am."
: p
Strangely there were a lot of people who hadn't called...

So anyway we went to find some breakfast, and loudly discussed global warming (my current strategy is to loudly discuss what people can do about it in the hope that some might take up a suggestion or two! : ).

But we got into NY late (and tired) so we didn't really have time to see anything. We did walk around and look at architecture a bit (and made a brief foray to Time Square before deciding it was too noisy and full of tourists).

The next train left on time, but was held up at the border while two young gentlemen were escorted off... (Who knows why, but the train left without them.)

We arrived in Montreal slightly AFTER the menfolk instead of before them as originally planned! Montreal will be the next post!

(While we were away my lovely husband and father put up curtains in the living-room! : )

p.s. Medical Potatoes is what lumpy calls meditation I'm not really sure why except that it sounds vaguely similar...


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