catch up part 2 - newfoundland pt 1
MEGA postings part 2 - the first part of our trip to Newfoundland (east side).
We played hackysack in Halifax airport! It was awesome fun, and we didn't hit anyone or break anything (just).
We decided to go sea kayaking the first day, but we weren't quite awake...
Our first iceberg, which we saw while driving along! Daddy shows how to wear it on his head
(more icebergs in newfie post 2).
St John's harbour was lovely and had 1.5 x lifesize Newfoundland and Labrador dogs. The sign said that they were designed to be touched and ridden, so I obliged.
forgi and Da consider taking the coast (or view from the old barracks on Signal Hill).
St John's harbour from Signal Hill (where Marconi received the first transatlantic wireless telegraph).
Da showed where he had hidden our Marmite sandwiches (as the fog rolled in).
Picturesque Quidi Vidi harbour, home of the Quidi Vidi brewery (unfortunately closed the day we went).
Kissing on the eastern most point of North America (Cape Spear where we saw the tail of a Minke whale).
We also went to the lighthouse (at Cape Spear).
tail of minke whale in view eh? Does that explain your facial expressions in the kiss? where was the body of the minke whale? eh?
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