Sunday, September 02, 2007

Bed Lobsters

We have discovered that if you google-search for "bed lobsters" you only find about 10 hits, and 8 or so of these are cheatery along the lines of "...a comfortable bed. Lobsters are served for dinner..." We seek to rectify this so that there is more information on the internet about bed lobsters. We present:

The Great Bed Lobster Discussion Thread

Here are some things we know about bed lobsters:

  1. they bite
  2. you never actually see them, you only "observe" them (by being bitten)
  3. occasionally they are "observed" outside the bedroom
  4. they are animals and not vegetable or mineral
  5. they don't need seawater to survive as they are not true crustaceans

We are also starting a Bed Lobster Awareness Raising campaign. If you would like to contribute, please send money to us. We will send you a receipt (donations tax deductible*).

Feel free to leave a comment about your experience with bed lobsters! We would love to learn more about this domestic phenomenon.


*Must be permanent resident of Luxembourg to qualify for tax deduction.


At September 04, 2007 5:53 PM, Blogger lumpkin said...

they really pinch more than bite...

At September 12, 2007 6:02 PM, Blogger andrew ley said...

Bed lobsters are annoying

Like sea lobsters bed lobsters have a very strong pinch. However bed lobsters do not have the ability to open their pincers with the same strength. A bed lobster can be rendered virtually harmless with two elastic bands.

When there is a particularly vicious bed lobster in my bed(this does not happen very often) I will throw bits of chewing gum under the sheets. Your common bed lobster will pinch the gum and stick its pincers together. The bed lobster will still be able to nibble on your toes, however this is much less of a concern.


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