Quiz: Canadian Road Signs
Walking around the block, I've noticed some very strange road signs around here, some of which I had to look at several times before I knew what they meant. As such, I've taken some more photos, and you can guess what each sign means!
1. This sign says:

A. No stopping.
B. No phantom octagons.
C. Neighbourhood watch. No shady characters with angular features.
D. No Ultimate Fighting Championship matches.
2. This sign says:

A. Avoid the drink while driving, literally.
B. If you are approaching the Black Knight (notice his totally black coat-of-arms), overtake him on the right - he has a blind spot there and won't see you sneaking up on him.
C. Drinking then driving reduces your ability to drive in a straight line.
D. Keep right of median strip.
3. This sign says:

A. Speed hump ahead.
B. Mutant camels used as speed humps in this area.
C. Danger! Flood zone.
D. Danger! Acoustically resonant area. Sopranos, mind your expensive wine glasses.
4. This sign says:

A. Street party! No olds allowed.
B. Street party! Maximum capacity of street is 40 people, enforceable by law due to risk of street collapse. Please queue behind the line and have your ID ready to show to the bouncer (to make sure you're not old).
C. Maximum speed limit 40kph.
D. Maximum speed limit 40mph.
5. This sign says:

A. Trucks may turn left or right or continue at intersection.
B. Trucks must split load into three at intersection. No favouritism for rich neighbourhoods.
C. Oil geysers in area. Keep a tanker handy in case you find one.
D. Fugitive truck wanted by Greenpeace for environmental vandalism - knocking over a fire hydrant causing significant water wastage. Please contact Greenpeace if you witnessed the incident.
6. This sign says:

A. No parking on left between 2am and 6am after the 16th of each month. No parking on right any time.
B. No parking on left between 2am and 6am any day, and no parking any time after 16th of each month. No parking on right any time.
C. No parking on left or right between 2am and 6am, and no parking on left or right after 16th of each month.
D. No peeing on left at certain times and days. No peeing on right ever. The city has standards to maintain, don't you know!
7. This sign says:

A. Road tyre graffiti encouraged as part of city youth initiative. Be creative!
B. Slippery when wet.
C. Avoid swerving due to risk of head becoming separated from shoulders, even momentarily.
D. Take corner carefully. If you have a bowling ball in the back seat of the car, duck!
8. This sign says:

A. Stop sign ahead.
B. Entering Flying Octagon Nature Park. Please have park entry fee ready. Don't forget to look up!
C. Ultimate Fighting Championship spectators this way to ringside.
D. Neighbourhood watch. Beware of shady characters with angular features, thought also to be spreading communist propaganda.
The first correct set of answers received will win their choice of a luxury yacht, a private jet, or a lifetime subscription to the Flying Octagon Nature Park of Dundas. Please email solutions to haha@notarealemail.com
Adios muchachos!
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