Tuesday, January 31, 2006

lumpkin writes

I know lumpy has been doing all the writing, but I've been helping him ...no, really. And I've been busy teaching, researching, walking to and from work (35-40 mins each way), but I decided I really should write something. So here are some of my word pictures.

Fran gave me a really cool book on haiku for my birthday. Apparently you DON'T have to have the 5/7/5 thing. So I've been writing lots of these really short pieces. You don't have to like them as always I write them for me, but I'm willing to share!

(before leaving)
my thoughts are purple bees
and meditation golden sap
amber is precious

(trying to get a SIN)
using only legs & wits
to get there, I was surprised
by the helpful official

crowded buses
uncomfortably intimate
with someone's belly button

morning mist
Canadian geese sound
strangely like kurrawongs

the smell of burnt toast
reminds me of my mother
eating sardines

(in Toronto)
Snow, it turns out,
doesn't always fall

eyes slide sideways
lost humanity
gloves in the gutter

(grading students)
A C is still a C
only average is the same
the world over.

In case you didn't know they have the A, B, C, D system here. Now I have to go and read about the parrahippocampus.
: )


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