Before I got ear-muffs I had a birthday, and since I haven't written anything in ages I thought I should tell you all about it!
First, I must say it was awesome because lumpy is awesome and bought me cake and chocolates and a really cool mug! Mmmm it was Gooood cake!
In my class that day I couldn't remember any of my questions after the group presentation (and had forgotten my notes), so I said "it's my birthday so you can all go home early"! : )
That weekend we went to Fort York which is part original, part restored and is where the the Battle of York was fought in the 1812 war against America. Also the birth place of modern Toronto. One of the most interesting things is that it used to be basically on the shore, but the shore has had so much filling in that it is now quite a bit inland and is pretty much under a freeway...

So you have this weird juxtaposition of the new city and the old fort.
It's an old sloping walled type fort, so that people are easier to shoot as the run up towards you. Good for long-range weapons.
The soldiers lived in dorm style accommodation. With slits for firing through! All the windows are on the upper floor (this is one of the rebuilt buildings).

The offices were rather better off (this is the mess hall). Note the floor covering made of Canvas, which was rather popular at the time (it's more hard wearing than carpet and can be made from any left over sails you happen to have).

In other news, I am thinking of changing my stylist...lumpy assures me that this is the latest look, but I am not convinced!

Love to all!
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