Sunday, November 05, 2006

Scary Halloween Costumes

Showtime, Synergy!

Jem! Is Truly outrageous! Truly truly truly outrageous! Whoah Jem, the music's contagious! Outrageous! Jem is my name, no one else is the same! Jem is my name!
(We are the Misfits! Our songs are better! The misfits! And we're gonna get 'er...)

Dressing up for Halloween is such a big deal here, I had no idea! Rachel and I went to a Halloween party hosted by one of her workmates and the range of costumes was quite something. My last minute attempt at doing Jem's alter-ego Jerrica wasn't met with a whole lot of enthusiasm as I'd only done the blonde wig part and nothing else - that and half the people there were too young to know who Jem was, boy did I feel old! Rachel had fun finding all the various accessories to be Jem, including some truly hideous star-shaped earrings that you can't really see in the photo above.
It doesn't seem to matter what you dress up as so long as you do a really thorough job of it. There was a really good Conan there, a "Devilled Egg" (ie an egg with horns, but people thought she was a jaundiced cow...), various witches and ghosts (including one with a sheet that wasn't even white...), a peacock, Smurfette, Borat (who won the best costume competition because the resemblance was so good), a prize boxer, Charlie Brown, a scarecrow, a dryad, Duff Man (a superman outfit with the S signed over) and various other superheroes, the paperbag princess, and an Allen key which was my favourite because "Who would think of dressing up as an Allen key, let alone go to the trouble of assembling a plywood structure and a shower curtain for the purpose, and then be prepared to knock party-goers' blocks off just trying to turn around in a crowded party room?"
And after all that, we didn't actually get any trick-or-treaters knocking at the door. So now we'll have to eat all these healthy muesli bar snacks we bought ourselves. (Maybe that's why nobody came - they guessed we weren't giving away sweets...)


At November 06, 2006 7:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree, the blonde wig was good, but the top and trousers just don't cut it. Now and Allan Key, that has class! ME


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