Monday, November 26, 2007


We got up at 3 am (Ben) & 4 am (forgi) to watch the Aus election via the internet.

Totally worth it!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Postal Votes

Just asking Dr Karl who we should vote for in the senate...

Haven't times changed! There are three green parties on the ACT senate ticket (Greens, Climate Change Coalition, Anti Nukes), and I struggled to work out who the conservative parties were if indeed they were there at all. No One Nation, no Fred Nile - the closest party to what I would call conservative were the small-government LDP - as much in favour of legalising euthanasia as gun ownership! Let's hope this is finally a sign that Australia has worked out that the biggest problem of the 21st century isn't terrorism.

So we're sending off our postal votes tomorrow, with a week to go before the election. Postal votes involve 3 envelopes - one to get the ballots to the Australian Consulate in Toronto, one to get it back to the Australian Electoral Commission, and one with our signatures confirming it's a legal ballot.

BTW, just in case the Liberals win, and they're reading this, I want to say that I voted liberal and that I'd like some of their Regional Partnership grant money to be spent in my electorate...

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Forgi-doo does DC

Here are some shots from the latest episode of Forgi-doo. It's called "Forgi-doo does DC"

Forgi-doo visits the President

Forgi-doo at the Smithsonian

Forgi-doo outside the Capitol

Forgi-doo stops to take a photo

Join us next time when Forgi-doo battles the evil Professor at the University of Doom.